Tự động hoá kiểm thử với Appium và Serenity BDD

I. Curriculum

A. Appium Fundamentals
  1. An introduction to automated web testing with Appium
  2. Implementing your first scenario
  3. Appium Essentials
  4. Appium Locators: Xpath...
  5. Mobile Element Forms
  6. Writing Good Mobile Tests
  7. Page Objects / Screenplay Pattern
  8. Others ( Based on the question of students)

B. Mobile Testing with Serenity BDD
  1. Introduction to Mobile Testing with Serenity
  2. Setting up your environment
  3. Building Serenity projects in Maven
  4. Implementing your first scenario
  5. Introduction to Gherkin Essentials
  6. Using Serenity Steps
  7. Using Serenity Page Objects
  8. Handling wait conditions in Serenity
  9. Executing Javascript
  10. Others ( Based on the question of students)
C. Learn about Behaviour Driven Development (BDD)
  1. Introduction to BDD
  2. How does BDD work?
  3. BDD and the Three Amigos
  4. Writing robust step definition method
  5. Writing high quality scenarios
  6. Advanced Gherkin - data tables, scenario outlines, and more
  7. Others ( Based on the question of students)
C. Demonstration for broad manager at the end of the training course

II. Support Services

  • Support: $500 per month. 4 hours per week
  • Provide solution to resolve issue
  • Improve Test Framework
  • Build CI pipeline using Jenkins, Hand over system to key member: $2500/monthly. At least contract in 6 months.
  • Improve more skills and other knowledge related for students
  • Support on job.
III. Mentoring packages provide a cost-effective ( a month)
  • Teams of up to 6: $4500 
  • Teams of 7-12: $6200

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Bài đăng phổ biến từ blog này

Tự động hoá kiểm thử với WebDriver/RestAssured(Rest API) và Serenity BDD

Bài 3: Những điều hiểu biết về công cụ quản lý dự án có tên Maven